
Abstract art, to me, has always created very personal art. This is why so many people find it very difficult to appreciate it and therefore put it down. Many expressionist artists, however, have very good reasons for why they have drawn that line or that shape. And it cannot be easily expressed, though it is quite clear in their heads. So it is very difficult to bring a stranger into the thought process that led to a particularly abstract piece. A skin-deep appreciation can always be created but for many, it is quite an undertaking to look deeper and truly understand a piece. Having said that, art should be interpreted by each person individually. It may have meant something different to the artist, it may mean something different to a stranger. 

I have recently been working on some very abstract pieces, which are quite different from my 'normal' style.  



I used 4 different techniques to create these pieces: layering and blending them together.  


Application with tissue

Application with tissue

Application with pallete knife  

Application with pallete knife  

Application with card  

Application with card  

Application with plastic scraper 

Application with plastic scraper 

I used acrylic paint with a glossy gel medium, to thicken it. It lead to some interesting textures which normal Acrylic would not have held. 

I really enjoyed doing these, interpret them as you wish.


A Brief Note on Line

Line, though a formal factor in the analysis of any and all art, is important in life too. It can represent boundaries, goals as well as more solid things such as a simple profile. The arts have always used it many different ways. In my opinion, the modern abstract movement sweeping through visual arts has made it rather more arbitrary. It has always been interesting to me, as a valuable and flexible part of any composition. Unfortunately, I have never been able to do very much significant work with it but my sketchbooks are full of simply line drawings, cross hatching, and shapes.  Having said that, here's my recent work with line. I loved doing it and hope to further develop these. 

I suppose these can be called self portraits, but to be honest, I used photographs of myself as references. They were definitely not meant to be self-portraits. 

The above picture is a detail of one of the pieces. I included it just to show the shapes created by the lines. I found these interesting and strived to create them in the above pieces. 


Some artists are less renowned than others, some do not immediately come to mind, when you think Art (with a capital A). Some don't have exhibitions in the big museums. I have recently noticed that many people seem to define 'Artist' by the number of exhibitions they've had and I don't think that's entirely true. I don't think think the role has any one definition. 

So I would like to bring to your attention artists that don't have such a large body of work or that are perhaps not so well known... They are centred around the theme of body language, as that is the theme I am currently using to develop work.

Anelia Loubser:  www.anelialoubser.com

Junior Fritz Jacquet:  www.juniorfritzjacquet.com 

Diego Fazio aka. 'DiegoKoi' : diegokoi.it

Jennifer Crupi: jennifercrupi.com

Deborah Cauchi: deborahcauchifineartist.co.uk

Please visit them and feel free to tell me what you think! 

Shivani :)


Experiments with Slogans and Expressions

Recently, I have been experimenting with different expressions. It was based off of the idea that people don't often use expression genuinely; their faces don't match what they actually feel. I therefore combined important areas for expression- the lips and eyes- from different faces to convey the idea. When I combined them by simply replacing some areas, it looked rather strange so I moved on to divide them in the way shown below.  I then used the divisions, mixing and matching them to create the work shown below.

I experimented with using angled sections and placing them in different areas. I then used the combinations such as the ones above and used them with different slogans and color schemes.  This resulted in 3 different  final works which may be used in my exhibition around the theme of body language. 

Hi There!


I just created this squarespace website and therefore this blog, and I'm quite new to this. I created it to display my art work and I hope it will provide a channel for my work. :)  

This blog will show my development processes and perhaps some interesting doodles or sketches.  

In the meantime, enjoy my work! :)